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Dolphin Pictures and poems

Broken Heart

Everyday it worsens,

the pain from the heartbreak,

they say with time,

your heart heals,

mine gets worse.

Everyday I live,

with untold emotions,

emotions that eat at every whim,

or my soul, and body,

emotions eat at my mind,

and at the remander of my heart,

the pieces that are big enough,

large enough to eat at.

So that in time, I will have no heart,

so the emotions, the sadness,

will have to eat at something,

other than my heart.

Eventually numbness will occur,

devour every part of me.

So that I will no longer feel,

maybe for the better,

possibly for the worse.

But the pain, the sadness,

will beat me.

I try so hard not to,

not to let the emotions win,

take over, or rule me.

But I think it will happen,

I think they will win.

So I nolonger feel pain,

but I won't feel love either,

I wont want to,

because when I love,

I always feel pain.



You Showed Me

You showed me that life was more than us, more than me, You showed me How to grow.  You showed me I could walk without your hands, that I could make it on my own. You showed me you would never be there, even long after you passed, you showed me how to hold my own.You showed me Never to give up.You showed me What love was for,  taught me love, You showed me my heart always holds they key.

By: me

I love my dolphins!!!!!
Picture taken from

  I Love dolphins!

For some reason I have always been facinated by dolphins. I have always seen them as one of the most beautiful creatures on earth. Did you no these cute little things scare sharks away?

Here's a good one!!! Arnt they cute?

Picture taken from


I believe in Love

I believe in you, Never believed in love, until I met you, Now I believe.

You made my eyes open, wider than they ever have, you made me see, love can happen.

It may not have lasted a lifetime, or even five years, but I felt it, and cheerished it.

I still love you, but I don't feel it, don't fell your end giving it, don't feel the love.

Still I know it happens, I know love exists, because I once felt it, once has it in my life.

So thanks yo you, I have felt love, I have givin love, I know believe in love.

By: me

Not a dolphin but a whale...its still cute though....

picture taken from:


If I were an animal I would be a dolphin!!!!!